By Bliss Kyomugisha 22.06.2020
The children of Sadhguru School went on a flight of fancy that led to a week of whole school cross-curricular learning about aeroplanes and transport. Whenever we hear the hum of an engine in the sky above the school, our younger children often run outside to look at the light aeroplanes and helicopters that fly over us, taking tourists to neighboring Ndali Lodge and the nearby tourist attractions. Drawing upon the expertise of our international students, we decided to build a model Boeing 747, and set up Ndali Airport under the 'Magic Tree'. Our international children explained and demonstrated the process of booking a flight to a destination, checking in, and going through passport control and security at an airport, as well as the experience of being on board an aircraft.
Children made passports, researched and planned holidays to destinations all over the world. They made lists and packed suitcases according to climate, weather and possible holiday activities. Children learned about the different systems and respective roles of the ground staff at check-in and security, the pilot and crew, and what it would be like to have a birds-eye view of the earth below. Their play led them to investigate flight and air; to follow instructions to make model aeroplanes from junk materials; create a fair test to find the best paper aeroplane; make parachutes from different materials and draw maps and routes for destinations all over the world.
It was a joy to see how children from the local rural villages of Uganda joined their widely travelled classmates in playful learning, to share experiences, broaden their vocabulary, horizons and imaginations.